
Storytelling and Brand Identity in Cultural Digital Archives Industry




Tser-Yieth Chen;Tsai-Lien Yeh;Chia-Hui Chu


Storytelling ; event marketing ; cultural identity ; brand identity ; cultural and creative industry


International Journal of Information and Management Sciences


25卷2期(2014 / 07 / 01)


157 - 179




This study identifies a causal relationship among storytelling marketing strategies, consumer identity, and consumer intentions toward cultural and creative brands that use digital archives for marketing Chinese calligraphy, ancient paintings and literature. We show that storytelling can affect culture identity through event marketing. Brand identity and culture identity exert positive cultural influences on consumer brand opinions. Thus, producers or marketers of cultural brands could improve consumer-brand relationships by promoting cultural stories at exhibitions associated with their brands. To attract visitors, they could arouse cultural resonance by sharing the creative ideas that inspired their unique products. Our proposed approach could impress visitors and increase their awareness of the refined products offered by cultural brands.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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