Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) was established by the United Department of Commerce in 1987. The team of MBNQA revises the categories, items and point values every year to keep the essence of innovation and development of enterprises. This article introduces 2006 MBNQA program, and describes the 10 steps to MBNQA application and the way of the balanced scorecard.
Bell, R. R.,Elkins, S. A.(2004).A Balanced Scorecard for Leaders: Implications of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Criteria.S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal,69(1),12-17.
Baldrige National Quality Program: 2006 Criteria for Performance Excellence
Russo, C. W. R.(2001).10 Steps to a Baldrige Award Application.Quality Progress,34(8),49-55.
Vokurka, R. J.(2001).Using the Baldrge Criteria for Personal Quality Improvement.Industrial Management + Data Systems,101(7),363-369.