


Naturalness (Tzu-jan) and Non-Action (Wu-wei): Their Ancient Meaning and Significance Today




劉笑敢(Xiao-Gan Liu)


自然 ; 無為 ; 道家 ; 老子 ; 古典意含 ; 現代意義 ; naturalness (tzu-jan) ; non-action (wu-wei) ; Taoism ; Lao Tzu ; meaning ; significance




10期(1997 / 03 / 01)


25 - 58






The paper focuses on the core value (naturalness, tzu-jan) and the methodological principle (non-action, wu-wei) in Lao Tzu's philosophy, which are supported by metaphysical concept of Tao or the Way and experiential dialectics. Primarily naturalness means ”so on its own” or a thing is what it is due to itself without external driving and interruption, which has the implication that the thing is what it is in itself now and will continue to be so in the future. Thus the principle of naturalness requires a smooth curve in movement and conversion, and a balanced and harmonious situation without conflict and strife. Although Lao Tzu's age and ours differ massively in terms of the rapidity and intensity of development and transformation, competition and stress, naturalness can still be relevant as a value. The new concept of naturalness, or modernized naturalness, must take into account rapid transformation and stressful competition, although the spirit could be the same as before. It does no longer merely mean that something is so on its own, but that something develops and transforms because of its own free will. Also it still claims smooth transformation without sudden discontinuity and sharp turns from the direction of continuous movement, as well as a balanced and harmonious state even within complicated movement and competition. Different from tzu-jan, wu-wei or non-action is not a simple word but a cluster of ideas formulated in the negative that describe the opposite side of conventional or common values and methods. A new interpretation of non-action could be the way of social management which seems like nothing but has good effect. Non-action would then mean a way that keeps the society in overall harmony and individulas in fruitful interchange by providing a spontaneous order for the community at large. Needless to say, this does not suggest the exclusion of the role and function of laws and regulations in modern societies.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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