


The Nine Considerations around the Chapter Feng-ku ("Wind" and "Bone") in Liu Hsieh's Wen-hsin Tiao-lung




鄧仕樑(Shu-Leung Dang)


文心雕龍 ; 風骨 ; 剛健 ; Wen-hsin tiao-lung ; Feng-ku (wind and bone) ; kang-chien (Strong and vigorous)




12期(1998 / 03 / 01)


125 - 165






Liu Hsieh's Wen-hsin tiao-lung is essentially a book about how to write efficiently. It was a book aimed at those who are learning to write, and was, naturally, written in intelligible language for the benefit of its intended audience. However, as it was written in parallellanguage with an ornate style, using a great deal of synonyms and antonyms, it is not without ambiguity to the modern reader, causing heated debates on a number of issues. The interpretation of the Chapter Feng-ku is probably the most controversial of all in terms of the meanings and functions of ”wind” and ”bone”.This paper attempts to demonstrate that, as a mentor giving advice to someone who is learning to write, Liu Hsieh introduced the concept of ”wind” and ”bone” in the chapter Feng-ku as a fundamental and essential requirement for all writings. Indeed, the last sentence of the chapter states, ”If one pays attention to these considerations, why should the art be beyond one's reach?” The author of this paper takes this as an indication that in Liu's mind, the attainment of ”wind” and ”bone” is not out of reach of most writers and need not be a mystery.There are nine considerations raised in this paper, with the following focuses:1. To investigate why Liu Hsieh introduced the concept (of wind and bone) and the issues he addressed;2. To clarify the meanings and functions of ”wind” and ”bone” in view of Liu's tendency of using dichotomy in literary discussions; and3. To argue on the basis of the terms used by Liu which were drawn from the Book of Change, that ”wind” and ”bone” have nothing to do with strong and vigorous style as some modern scholars have asserted.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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