


An Analytic Discussion of Portraiture Poetry in Northern Sung Colophons




衣若芬(Lo-Fen I)


北宋 ; 題畫詩 ; 人像畫 ; 自題像 ; 睢陽五老圖 ; Northern Sung ; portraiture poetry ; portraiture ; self-inscribed portraiture of oneself ; Picture of the Five Elders of Sui-yang




13期(1998 / 09 / 01)


121 - 173






This essay aims to analyze the creative intentions and implied meanings of literary people in the Northern Sung as they wrote inscriptions on portraiture. On the basis of the nature of the painting and the content of the writings, the essay is divided into three parts: inscriptions for portraiture of oneself; inscriptions for portraiture of contemporaries (taking the case of the Five Elders of Sui-yang as an example); and inscriptions for portraits of men of antiquity. The author has discovered that when the literary men of the Northern Sung wrote inscriptions for portraits of themselves, they did not necessarily focus on whether painterly skills had succeeded in representing the subject accurately and thereby conveying his spirit, but rather dealt with it in terms of ”looking at myself, I am not really myself.” When two ”I's” reflect upon each other, the writer sighs about the transience of personal, bodily existence. Painting, too, is not made of stone or metal but is relatively transient. These sentiments inspire an imaginative network on the themes of the simultaneous semblance of portrayed individual existence to reality and to illusion. The part about inscriptions for contemporaries uses for its main example the ”Picture of the Five Elders of Sui-yang,” a group of verses which was used most often in the colophonic poetry of the time. It can be discovered through investigation that the time of the feast at which the Five Elders of Sui-yang, headed by Tu Yen, gathered was somewhere between 1047 and 1050. By 1051, there already was a ”Picture of the Five Elders of Sui-yang,” not long after this meeting took place. The authors of the colophon to this ”Picture of the Five Elders of Sui-yang” probably had personal acquaintance with these five elders or their descendants. The themes of continuing prosperity and longevity associated with the five elders resigning their official position and returning home in glory was what the authors respected and admired. This is the idea that surrounds the ”Picture of the Five Elders of Sui-yang.” As for writing inscriptions about men of antiquity, most colophons were written about portraits of literary people; with such favorities as T'ao Yuan-ming, Li Pai and Tu Fu, the painters were good at extracting graphic elements rich in symbolic meaning in order to create a literary atmosphere. The authors indulge in language full of flowery virtuoso, so that the literary atmosphere can be represented in written language, casting into fixed form the literary achievements of the entire life of the person portrayed, and expressing veneration and devotion to their literary predecessors.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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