


The Artistic Characteristics and Elements of the Ming-Ch'ing Subjective Lyrical Tsa-chü Drama




王璦玲(Ay-Ling Wang)


明清 ; 雜劇 ; 抒情 ; 寫情 ; 發憤著書 ; 自我呈現 ; 主體性 ; 藝術 ; 傳奇 ; 寫憤 ; 自傳性 ; 戲劇性 ; Ming-Ch'ing tsa-chü ; drama ; lyricism ; subjectivity ; ch'uan-ch'I ; self-representation ; autobiographical ; dramatic ; lyrical




13期(1998 / 09 / 01)


37 - 120






It has been a notable trend for the Ming-Ch'ing tsa-chü writers to express their self-lament and self-assertion by playwriting since Wang Chiu-szu (1468-1551) wrote his play ”Ch'u-chiang-ch'un”. Besides the famous Ming dramatists Hsu Wei (1521-1593), Wang Heng (1561-1609) and Shen Chih-cheng (1591-1641), Ch'ing playwrights like Yu T'ung (1618-1704), Chi Yung-jen (1637-1678), Chang T'ao (ca. 1678) and Kuei Fu (1736-1805) all conveyed their laments of frustration and laid claim on high ideals in their plays. Conducted by the authors' motivation of self-lament and self-assertion, these special plays became vehicles of self-representation for the dramatists. While these plays were featured with the authors' self-expression, they transformed the authors' personal yearning and persistence for self-realization into an earnest wish for meaningful life which was greatly echoed by the reader or audience. In order to intensify these feelings to a sensory, effective artistic form, the dramatists employed the skills of ”emotion crystallization” and ”plot condensation” in their dramatic design to create a ”lingering” poetic state with endless vitality. With the authors' purpose of self-depiction, the lyrical tsa-chü drama's ”shortened and animated” quality has highlighted its subjectivity with an intellectual and introspective touch. These plays' strong self-expressive tendency was evidently opposed to the highly dramatized development of the Ming-Ch'ing ch'uan-ch'i drama. By integrating their personal awareness of self-existence into the contrived or historical stories, the tsa-chü authors thus presented subjective lyrical themes through dramatic forms. In other words, since the authors' self-representation is the focus of the whole play, the dramatic characters are usually personification of the author's lyric-self. The Ming-Ch'ing lyrical tsa-chü plays, in this sense, are entirely different from the highly dramatized ch'uan-ch'i plays in which the authors' subjectivity is obviously detached from the dramatic characters' individuality. This difference of introversion and extroversion between Ming-Ch'ing tsa-chü and ch'uan-ch'i drama explains why the subjective lyrical tsa-chü drama became a special type of drama-series for self-representation.

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