


Research into Writing on the Unusual, and the Spirit of Hilarity in I-yüan: Based on the Writings Concerned with the Hsieh Family of Ch'en Prefecture




劉苑如(Yuan-Ju LIU)


志怪 ; 異苑 ; 怪異書寫 ; 諧謔 ; 陳郡謝氏 ; chih-kuai ; I-yüan ; writing about the unusual ; satire ; Hsieh family of Ch'en Prefecture




14期(1999 / 03 / 01)


51 - 91






This essay will explore the aesthetics of grotesque humor in Six Dynasties chronicles of strange occurrences. It draws its examples from Liu Ching-shu's ”I-yüan”. First, it investigates how writing about strange events produces hilarious effects. Because chronicles of the bizarre contain humorous implications which allow the reader playfully to negotiate the boundaries between ”the usual” and ”the extraordinary,” in a way which conceals their potential for resistance, so they are full of obvious purposivity and offensiveness. However, their purposiveness and aggression are at the same time checked and suppressed by a rationality just as occurs in dreams; in any event , there are always many linguistic devices in play to effect the displacement, to mask the deepest levels of derision and suspicion. For this reason, the chronicles of strange things read as having quite a bit of hilarity sandwiched into them, and the satire seems to denote some criticism; however, beyond the feeling of injustice, one can still see clearly and penetrate to the truth that it is not only the reader who cannot fathom this overall intention in a simultaneous intuition, but also the compiler himself has not necessarily become aware of the subconscious elements of these chronicles. Therefore, the exegesis of chronicles of the odd always must follow traces in the cracks between the ”already said” and the ”bunsaid,” in the difference (differance) of signifier and signified, looking for the counter-irony to the path which is proceeding away from the ”usual,” as well as the reflection on the mutuality and lawful regulation between the ”usual” and the ”extraordinary.”Case study of the Hsieh lineage of Ch'en Prefecture, as chronicled in ”I-yüan”, is the main research basis for the present work. In the materials related to the legends of the Hsieh surname lineage we find build-up and play-out emergencies arise; we read of the glorious favors and the internecine warfare between the Chin and the Sung. We can thereby discover that the compiler of the ”I-yüan”, Liu Ching-shu, was used to using cut and deformed limbs, improper positioning, variable substances with similar structures, figure-ground shifts, and other such transformational strategies for constituting the bizarre, in order to play out in advance one scene after another of categorical heterogeneity and inappropriate classification, in a theater of absurdity. Moreover, he used such explanatory systems as disaster and anomaly, visitations, dreams and omens, as well as assigned moral responsibility, in order to unveil an entire panorama of cooly objective observations and satirical criticism of the Ch'en Prefecture Hsieh family. In a farcical manner, his information on the Hsiehs and Lius reveals, through these representatives, the opposed tensions between two different strata of society, the wealthy local landlords and the northern military groups of Ching-k'ou. Furthermore, he sternly questions such matters as the political responsibilities, use of personnel, and economic monopolies of the elite landlord families, while at the same time delivering an indicment of the carnage of warfare.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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