


Magnificence and Elegance: A Study of the Formation and Transformation of Tsung-Chou's Ritual Music




陳致(Zhi Chen)


禮制 ; 音樂考古 ; 商周文化 ; 雅樂 ; ritual of Chou ; archeo-musicology ; Shang and Chou cultures ; Ya music




19期(2001 / 09 / 01)


1 - 53






Historical records passed down to us from the pre-Han times ascribe unanimously the establishment of ya music and its institutional definitions to the Duke of Chou, one of the founders of the Chou dynasty. In fact, our knowledge of the contents, institutions, and functions of ya music has been influenced and limited by the depictions preserved in Warring States and later documentary sources, such as the ceremonial books and other philosophical works composed between early Warring States and the late Han. It is conceivable that these works include the conjectures of their authors. Two types of falsification may be involved in the formation of the so-called ya musical institutions depicted in these early documentary sources. First of all, the authors and compilers of these works may have reconstructed diachronic variations, such as the standardization and refinement of musical institutions other than ya music and the partial secularization of earlier ya music. Secondly, they may also have idealized and consciously re-invented ya music in accordance with their own Confucian values and ritualistic codes.The present paper seeks to explore the formative reality of the ritual music of Chou in light of archeo-musical evidence and paleographic analysis. It argues that ya music was by no means created single-handedly in a short span of time, as conventionally held by scholars, but that it was rather a creation, with all its institutional definition and refinement, forged during a much longer period of time by generations of the Chou rulers and musicians. This study also questions the extent of the sphere of influence of the ya musical institution. The conventional theory holds that it was widely spread in the entire domain of the Western Chou, including the heartland of the former Shang dynasty and other feudal states subject to the Chou. Archeo-musical investigation of the regional features of the central domain of Chou musical culture, however, proves that musical abundance and refinement, differing typologically from other areas of the Western Chou domain, characterized the Kuan-chung area where Tsung Chou was seated. It is therefore plausible that musical contacts between the Shang and Chou resulted in two different paths of transformation. On the one hand, in the immediate domain of the Chou, ya music emerged, gradually developed, and became systematized as time went by. Institutionalization of ya music, however, took two centuries to reach maturity. On the other hand, in the Central Plains (the former Shang domain), ya music did not spread successfully anywhere other than in Kuan-chung until the dynastic transition between the Western Chou and the Eastern Chou.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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