


On the Tune Patterns of Chinese Drama




曾永義(Yung-I Tseng)


戲曲 ; 腔調 ; 聲腔 ; 唱腔 ; 語言旋律 ; drama ; ch'iang-tiao ; artificial employment ; linguistic tune




20期(2002 / 03 / 01)


1 - 112






This paper explores comprehensively the ch'iang-tiao (tune pattern) of Chinese drama, to explicate the fundamental meaning of ch'iang-tiao as ”linguistic tune.” Ch'iang-tiao was understood through the transformational process from natural linguistic tunes to artificial ones. Taking ch'iang-tiao as an organic body, any meaningful study must start from its internal constitutive elements, and then extend to its external vehicles and artificial employment for artistic presentation. Based on this understanding, I propose the tonal features, tonal combination, rhythmic arrangement, linguistic length, syllabic form, sentence structure and imagistic affective power to be the internal constitutive and nuclear elements which more or less shape the tune patterns of Chinese drama. The external vehicles are the hao-tzu, shan-ko, hsiao-tiao, chü-p'ai and t'ao-shu. While hao-tzu, shan-ko and hsiao-tiao are primarily natural linguistic tunes, the chü-p 'ai and t'ao-shu are understandably artificial linguistic tunes. The more artificial the tunes are, the more restraints the singers have to accommodate; the more natural the tunes appear, the more freedom the singers would enjoy. The term ”artificial employment” refers to the actual singing of the artist, for the understanding of which we are greatly indebted to earlier critics; it is about the affective powers of the performance of the artist. In addition, concerning the transformation and circulation of the tune patterns, I explore the factors which impel the transformation of tune patterns of Chinese drama, and explicate the phenomena resulting from the circulation of the tune patterns.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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