


The Discovery of the Complete Version of "Chih-chi chi" and Its Relaed Issues




林玫儀(Mei-Yi Lin)


清詞 ; 支機集 ; 雲間詞派 ; 蔣平階 ; 周積賢 ; 沈億年 ; Ch'ing tz'u ; Chih-chi chi ; Yün-chien tz'u-p'ai ; Chiang P'ing-chieh ; Chou Chi-hsien ; Shen I-nien




20期(2002 / 03 / 01)


113 - 174






”Chih-chi chi” is a ”tz'u” poetry collection by Chiang P'ing-chieh and his students, Chou Chi-hsien and Shen I-nien, of the late Ming. The only known copy of this book, in the Shanghai Library holdings and documented in ”Chung-kuo ku-chi shan-pen shu-mu” (A Bibliography of Chinese Ancient Rare Books), was that of the Wan-li edition. This copy, regrettably, does not exist in a complete form. What Mr. Shi Zhicun once published in the journal ”Tz'u-hsüeh” , and the version inc1uded in the ”Ming-tz'u hui-k'an” published by Shanghai Ku-chi Ch'u-pan-she are based on this version. In the process of studying Chiang P'ing-chieh, I discovered another copy of ”Chih-chi chi”, also in the collections of the Shanghai Library. This paper is a study of this rare book and its related issues.This paper consists of five sections: the first section reports the discovery of the complete version of ”Chih-chi chi”, and the second evaluates the importance of the contents of this book. The third section examines 1) the ”tz'u” poetry school led by Chiang, and 2) the ”tz'u” poetry of Chiang and his followers. I explore Chiang's family and social networks and ascertain Chiang's names, place of origin, and the major events surrounding Chiang's life. More importantly, I assess the influence of Chiang and his students' ”tz'u” works and the significance of their theory in the contemporary literary world. I also present some of Chiang's works that are not included in ”Chih-chi chi”. The fourth section is an analysis of this rare book's contribution to the study of the Yün-chien ”tz'u” school. I analyze its theoretical values. I point out that its emphasis on allegory and ”hsiao-ling” (short ”tz'u” poem) form is closely related to the political turmoil that Chiang experienced during the Ming-Ch'ing transition. The final section is the conclusion, to which is attached a chart showing how Chiang and his school's works are quoted in other books. A comparison and analysis of these materials is offered.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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