The Changzhou school of the Qing dynasty has been a topic of much discussion. After Liang Qichao, most scholars interpreted the Changzhou school from the viewpoint of Gongyang or the New Text school. That theory was certainly solid; however, it is too simple to explain the import of the Changzhou school. According to my observations, the primary character of Confucian consciousness was the vulgarized Neo-Confucianism that informed the examoriented Confucian studies. The scholarship of the Zhuang family of Changzhou, which has been regarded as the beginning of the New Text school, is the epitome of this exam-oriented Confucianism. The aim of their writings was to assist the leader: it was practical. However, this fundamental character of the Changzhou school has been ignored in favor of its emphasis on the objectivity of scholarly pursuits. Thus, the discussions of the relationship between the Changzhou school and the late-Qing New Text school, as well as the development of the New Text school itself, are often historically flawed. Therefore, further new research with a much broader outlook will be advisable. The crucial point of such research is to rethink exam-oriented Confucianism, and then clearly to identify the contents of the Changzhou Zhuang family's teachings. In doing so, we can transcend the limited views on the school and give new meanings to the materials.