


The Relationship between Religion and Politics in Shang and Zhou Times and the Conceptualization of Humanistic Ideas in the Statecraft of the Zhou Dynasty




戴景賢(Ching-Hsien Tai)


中國上古史 ; 中國學術起源 ; 中國思想史 ; 中國學術史 ; History of ancient China ; origins of Chinese scholarship ; history of Chinese thought ; Chinese intellectual history




23期(2003 / 09 / 01)


129 - 177






This article explores the cultural foundation of thought that appeared before the formation of ”scholarship” in ancient Chinese civilization. This particular foundation, on the one hand, was shaped by its earlier cultural heritage, and on the other, had the potential to push Chinese civilization to a great breakthrough. The period from the late Shang through the early Western Zhou was of great importance to how the Chinese would become Chinese in later times. Scholars have not yet reached a consensus on the genesis of Chinese scholarship. Their disputes relate to these problems: there have been numerous debates about the dates and authenticity of the so-called ”classical documents and writings”; and during the past seventy years there appeared many new archaeological findings that unsettled the foundations of previous historical interpretations. In their respective studies, those concentrating on thought and those examining ancient history have each specialized in their own practices, failing to achieve a more holistic perspective. Those who had expertise in philosophy often over-estimated the antiquity of the origins of systematic philosophy; their results do not match those of the more recent researchers of ancient culture. On the other hand, archaeologists, textual historians, anthropologists, and historians of antiquity, based on the evolution of socio-economic conditions, could not offer an adequate understanding of the fundamental character and contexts of Chinese thought. This paper, drawing on the insights from both camps, offers a new interpretation. It asserts that there did exist a great intellectual innovation in the form of statecraft from late Shang to early Western Zhou, and that the conceptualization of those ideas was crucial to the subsequent philosophical achievements and the development of scholarship. In order to analyze these processes, the multi faceted relations between politics and religion in Shang and Zhou times and the ideological changes embedded therein are carefully examined and discussed.

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