


The Twenty-Four Varieties of Poetry: Coalescence of Neo-Taoism with Chan Buddhism




蕭馳(Chi Xiao)


境 ; 文人禪 ; 玄、禪交接 ; 非感物詩學模式 ; 切分間奏的宇宙之流 ; jing visaya in Buddhism or inscape in poetry ; Chan laymen of literati ; coalescence of Neo-Taoism and Chan Buddhism ; denial of lyric formula of stirring-and-response ; staccato of universal flux




24期(2004 / 03 / 01)


1 - 37






This essay intends to open a new vision for the studying of Shi pin (The Twenty-Four Varieties of Poetry), exploring how the text relates historically to its intellectual and literary contexts. As there is a fundamental difference between Shi pin's poetic concepts and those valorized by the Wei-Jin metaphysics (Xuanxue), particularly since the old lyric formula of stirring-and-response is eclipsed or even subverted in this text, it is thus argued that Xuanxue cannot be the exclusive source for Shi pin. The progress which occurred six centuries after the Wei-Jin period created a new formula in poetics: the relationship between a poetic mind and its objects was transformed from a response following a stimulus to a shared, schematic totality: visaya, ”landscape, scene, sphere, objective content.” Even a limited form of dualism between mind and object no longer existed, nor did a metonymic or a narrative process from stimulus to response. What appeared was a phenomenological scene (visaya). The author demonstrates that the coalescence of Neo-Taoism in Xuanxue, Chongxuan Taoist religion and Chan Buddhism of the literati of the mid- and late-Tang led poetics into this transformation. By breaking down the concept of linear time, and subverting the stirring-and-response formula by Buddhism, the new lyric concept of ”inscape,” jing, which designates a pure phenomenon that finds humans and their world in mutuality, was born. This essay argues that the Shi pin meta-lyrically embodies this new lyric experience of non-dual, ”transparent experience.” The essay demonstrates the discontinuity of time and non-metonymic nature, and analyses the relationship between two central concepts of Chinese poetics, jing and shi (propensity of things), in this text. It concludes that the Shi pin is jing incarnate and it has exerted a substantial influence on Chinese literary criticism.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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