


String Music, Account Books and Time: Lin Lan Xiang and the Simulation of Reality in the Novel of Everyday Life




胡曉眞(Siao-Chen Hu)


林蘭香 ; 蘭花夢 ; 回憶錄 ; 夢 ; 感傷主義 ; 物品崇拜 ; Lin Lan Xiang ; Lanhua meng ; memoir ; dream ; sentiments ; thing




26期(2005 / 03 / 01)


213 - 250






As a full-length vernacular novel, Lin Lan Xiang singles itself out by its strongly sentimental and reminiscent ambiance. With its inherently feminine style, the work has also invited theory-oriented readings. In this article, I first attempt to resituate the work in the historical context of late-imperial Chinese vernacular novels. I suggest that we suspend the dominant theory that takes Lin Lan Xiang to be the link between Jin Ping Mei and Honglou meng, and, after a detailed reading of the text, consider the possibility of its being a nineteenth-century work. Secondly, I analyze the novel in the context of memoir literature. I examine how the author structures the novel chronologically while making wide use of textual and historical knowledge, constructs a dreamland by amassing objects as well as sentiments, and insinuates a nostalgic atmosphere by accentuating the paradox between the illusion of eternalness and the realization of the flux of time. Lastly, I bring into discussion the Lanhua meng, a late Qing novel, to foreground the characteristics of Lin Lan Xiang. Both novels deal with displaced heroines and male jealousy. The similarities encourage us to explore the development of Chinese novels in the nineteenth century. In conclusion, by pointing to the convergence of different modes in the case of Lin Lan Xiang, including novels of everyday life, novels of encyclopedic knowledge, novels in verse by women and novels of fantasy, I propose to explore further the fusion of modes in the tradition of nineteenth-century novels.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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