


The Issues of Di and Shu in the Han Dynasty Explored Through Funeral Ceremony and Confucian Classics




林素娟(Su-Chuan Lin)


嫡庶 ; 外戚 ; 合葬 ; 經學 ; 喪服 ; 妾 ; legitimate heir and non-succeeding sons ; affines ; double burial ; Confucian classics ; funeral costume ; concubines




26期(2005 / 03 / 01)


321 - 357






The distinction between the legitimate heir (di) and non-succeeding sons (shu) is the core of the ritual system. Fundamental to this distinction is the identification of the empress and the concubines. This paper explores these issues by examining the funeral and burial situations of the empresses and concubines in the Han dynasty as reflected in the histories as well as related discourses and government edicts. It also studies these questions through the prism of the various Confucian classics and their commentaries. The paper is divided into three aspects: It explores the circumstances and disputes of Han dynasty funerals and burials of empresses and concubines: whether or not to bury them together, the decisions about burial accommodations, and what to do with those individuals who had committed crimes or had been disowned by the court. Based on the above analysis, it then proceeds to examine Confucian assertions and disputes about the ritual systems, such as those over the statuses of the official wife and the birth mother when a ruler was the son of a concubine. When the queen died young and a new queen was installed, there could be a dispute about the treatment of the deceased lady and the replacement lady. Other disputes included whether a ruler brought in from a collateral line to succeed the main line could elevate his mother to an eminent rank; or whether a ruler could demote his mother because she had been accused of a crime. The paper then examines contradictions between the claims of the ritual system and the actual situation: How the dead were treated in funerals, burials, and rituals pacifying the souls differed markedly according to who the dead person was, and thus reveal aspects of the relationship between the emperor and his affinal relatives, who tried to control him while he tried to limit them. Also, funerals and burials, as well as rites to appease the dead, and cases such as the memorials, re-burial and temple construction for a ruler's grandmother accused of a crime, or for his own mother, show signs of psychological and political contradictions on the part of the ruler.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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