


Hongzhou Chan and Landscape within Mind in Bai Juyi's Poetry of Leisure




蕭馳(Chi Xiao)


白居易 ; 無事 ; 祖師洪州禪 ; 不為物所轉 ; 超越摹寫詩學 ; Bai Juyi ; Unconcerned ; Hongzhou Chan ; not being turned by objects ; transmimetic poetics




26期(2005 / 03 / 01)


37 - 71






Starting with observing a recurrent theme, ”unconcerned,” in Bai Juyi's poetry, this essay explores the spiritual relationship between Bai's poetry of leisure and the Hongzhou school of Chan. The author contends that the so-called ”unconcerned” condition advocated by Hongzhou Chan Masters is a way to highlight that there is no special concern in being a Buddhist apart from daily-life activities. For them, nirvana (average) and kleśa, sage and ordinary people, Buddha and myriad lives are not dichotomous: the secular and the absolute are identical to each other. In this regard, Bai's poetry of leisure also has a chattering feature not consonant with the ”intensification” of lyric poetry. Paradoxically, what leads Bai to transcend the above feature is also an impact he received from Chan, that is, to view both self and world as śunya (average) and make the mind like peaceful water to face changes in the world. This follows a breakthrough from the traditional lyric formula of stirring-and-response, a breakthrough that could be taken as a realization of the Buddhist tenet of ”not being turned by objects” from the Lengyan Sutra (average) which prevailed in mid-Tang Chan circles. Finally, from the context of prajna (average) carried out in daily life, the essay discusses Bai's poetry based on the life within his own small garden. The author argues that the so-called prajna (average) carried out in daily life developed by the poet into an ”unconcerned” attitude toward every issue paradoxically denies and confirms both options. In writing about his life, on the one hand, he is satisfied with the family daily-life activities provided only by this small sphere; on the other hand, prajna (average) also ensures he does not exclusively fall into this one option. By another tenet of the Lengyan Sutra (average), playfully ”being able to turn the objects,” and the Buddhist concept ”Mount Sumeru within a mustard seed,” Bai creates a landscape within the garden through his mind in which a pond of water looks like a great lake and a piece of rock a high mountain. This poetic sphere of mind caught only by the poet himself not only transcends a lyric tradition of ”stirring-and-response” and ”categorical associations” based on society's system of knowledge, but also surpasses the inscape of pratyaksa of Wang Wei's ”Wangchuan” poetry, which impressionistically takes only the here-and-now scenery as its lyric vision.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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