


The Hermeneutical Turn in the Distinction between Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan




林維杰(Wei-Chieh Lin)


赫許 ; 自主自律 ; 依他他律 ; 文本 ; 意義 ; Hirsch ; autonomy ; heteronomy ; text ; meaning




31期(2007 / 09 / 01)


235 - 261






In the context of Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism, a distinction between ”elevating virtues” (zun dexing) and ”pursuing knowledge” (dao wenxue) has traditionally been established to distinguish the thoughts of Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan. In ”elevating virtues” the role of the good conscience in informing a moral act is underscored, whereas in ”pursuing knowledge,” the important dimension of ”investigation of things” (gewu) in strengthening morality is stressed. The implications of these two approaches inspired Mou Zongsan to formulate the dichotomies of autonomy and heteronomy, morality and knowledge, and activity and being in moral practices. Yet, considered from another perspective, the process from ”investigation of things” to ”studying books to grasp the Dao” suggested by Zhu Xi, actually mirrored a process from moral epistemology to hermeneutics, that a comprehension of the principles embodied in things and objects is tantamount to an understanding of the meanings embedded in books. In this article, I investigate the following: With respect to the meaning of the classics, which for Zhu Xi is an important condition, the meaning must be identical and autonomous. But for Lu Jiuyuan the meaning will be heteronomous (Six classics interpret me). The discussion of ”autonomy and heteronomy of meaning” or ”semantic and heteronomous autonomy” of methodological hermeneutics (E. D. Hirsch) is very important for our understanding of the classics, because only when the meaning is autonomous can the truth be understood and further transmitted.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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