


On Qing Dramatist Tang Ying's Didacticism and Canonicity of His Drama




王璦玲(Ay-Ling Wang)


康乾時期 ; 崑曲 ; 花部 ; 雅部 ; 唐英 ; 古柏堂傳奇 ; Kangxi and Qianlong periods ; Huabu ; Yabu ; kunqu ; Tang Ying ; Gubotang chuanqi




32期(2008 / 03 / 01)


73 - 108






The Kangxi and Qianlong periods are usually regarded as critical in the development of Chinese drama. The competition of Huabu (regional drama) and Yabu (kunqu, kun opera) not only brought prosperity, but also caused a tremendous revolution in the Qing theatrical sphere. For the contemporary audience, this revolution shook their aesthetic habits and their traditional concepts. Especially for those intellectuals, appreciating kunqu or regional drama was an issue not only of personal taste; it was related to the dignity of Chinese cultural tradition, continuation of the aesthetic spirit, or even the fate of China. In their views, the regional drama, which disturbed one's eyes and ears or violated social morality, was a kind of typical ”decadent music” and thus not to be compared to the classic melody of kunqu. Among the Mid-Qing literati dramatists, in addition to Jiang Shiquan (1725-1784), Tang Ying (1682-1756) was probably the one who studied regional drama most profoundly, and was the best known for his achievements in blending the performing arts of regional drama and of Kunqu. He was a musical master who loved dramatic performances and writing plays as well. Facing the major trend of preferring regional drama to kunqu in the Qing society, Tang Ying broke the traditional prejudice of ”respecting kunqu and suppressing regional drama” by bolstering regional drama at his own banquet, where he tried to combine Huabu and Yabu by combining the popular plays of regional drama with kun operas. In fact, Tang Ying4li collection of plays, Gubotang chuanqi, was appreciated and performed widely among the literati and ordinary people. Through many of Tang Ying's plays, which are still very popular on the stage nowadays, his distinct skill in lending Huabu and Yabu (huaya ronghe) and some original features of the singing tones in regional drama are preserved. It is noteworthy that, in addition to perfecting inventions for dramatic forms, Tang Ying also presented his amazing creativity in the construction of themes, trying to apply his theories to theatrical practice. Tang Ying's plays, as a connecting or turning point in the development of Qing drama, have their undeniable significance and value in content and art form, which helped trigger the significant revolution in the ”competition between Huabu and Yabu.”

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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