


Sacred Teaching and Facetious Talk: Playing with Meanings in the Shidetang Journey to the West




劉瓊云(Chiung-Yun Liu)


西遊記 ; 世德堂 ; 遊戲 ; 三教 ; 晚明文化 ; 宗教旅行 ; Journey to the West Xiyou ji ; Shidetang ; play ; Three Teachings late Ming ; pilgrimage




36期(2010 / 03 / 01)


1 - 43






Critical scholarship on the one-hundred-chapter Journey to the West (henceforth Journey) has tended to choose between allegorical meanings and the art of comedy. Despite the copious studies on the novel, the complex interplay between the religio-philosophical discourses and the comical language in this novel has not been sufficiently investigated. Through analyzing how the author manipulates and twists conventional religious and philosophical signifiers and conjoins religious ideals of divergent traditions in renewed contexts, this article demonstrates the interdependent entanglement between the edifying and risible dimensions of the novel. It argues that the comical language is by no means mere humorous flavor to ”spice up” the religious messages embedded in the text. The meanings of the established religious discourses alter within the parodic narrative of Journey, while the art of comedy of the novel relies on the rich religious texts serving as sources for rewriting. The dynamic relationship between the two modes of discourse not only characterizes the unique narrative voice in Journey, but also reveals the changes in epistemology in late Ming culture, including the problems with self-cultivation, the expansion of knowledge, and the transmission of “correct” teachings. Through playing with the established religious traditions, the author presents a scripture-seeking journey that highlights muddled scriptures, inadequate sacred teachings, and flawed apotheosis. This peculiar journey forms an arena, in which heterogeneous discourses and truth claims converse and contend with each other, and the jesting narrative voice celebrates the power of fictional writing to reinvent, ridicule, and challenge the established canon.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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