


Hangzhou in Disorder: War Memory and Event-Recording Texts about Hangzhou




胡曉真(Siao-Chen Hu)


杭州 ; 太平天國 ; 丁丙 ; 庚辛泣杭錄 ; Hangzhou ; Taiping Heavenly Kingdom ; Ding Bing ; Gengxin qi Hang lu




36期(2010 / 03 / 01)


45 - 78




這篇論文試圖閱讀一系列與戰亂概念相關的記事文學,而聚焦於杭州,特別是與太平軍兩度陷城前後有關的材料。 本文主張,根源於綿長的歷史與苦澀的集體記憶,使得杭州的繁勝,總是暫時遮蔽著隨時可能破出的幽黯,與感傷、神秘、危險、毀壞以及死亡緊緊相連。故而,秀麗的山水,慘酷的兵劫,忠烈的英雄,薄命的佳人,這些都是共同組成杭州歷史記憶的重要質素,而且互相產生聯想。因此,當我們接觸杭州各種文史資料時,這些看似矛盾的力量都同時湧現。同時,傳統上以爲奢靡浮華的惡習會招致天譴,但浮靡是城市的本質,是城市的原罪。故而,杭州在清代咸豐年間遭遇太平軍兩次攻陷,便被詮釋爲這個城市發展到「無美不備」以後註定的結果。 杭州文人對庚申、辛酉城陷的處理,多用日記、回憶錄等形式保存自己的經驗,並爲杭州留下地方性的歷史見證。這種由地方意識出發的文本努力,可以丁丙編纂《庚辛泣杭錄》爲代表。此書乃搜集與庚辛之役有關的官方及私人紀錄多種,合爲一帙,分十六卷。《泣杭錄》之編纂,已在杭州收復的三十餘年後,作為輯錄者,丁丙理論上可以權威的敘事聲音,為庚辛之役的意義做出最後評斷。然而丁丙卻選擇隱身於各卷的個別作者之後,全書更在表面上表忠義、哀黎民的共識下,出現許多細微但至關重要的歧異。編纂者顯然並不打算消泯這些矛盾,而是沉默地將之呈現出來。筆者以爲,這種編輯策略一方面出自一位終身的文獻編纂者本有的面對材料的習慣,一方面則要突顯太平天國陷杭史事的複雜性。丁丙是一位集體記憶的蒐集者,甚至可說是創造者,而《庚辛泣杭錄》則成爲文本性的公議空間。


This paper attempts to review a series of texts recording events and ideas of war and disorder, with a focus on Hangzhou and the events of its two occupations by Taiping armies in the nineteenth century. I argue that, because of Hangzhou's long history and painful collective memories, the city's prosperity and glory served as a façade covering the darkness that was poised to break out with an outburst of remorse, mystery, danger, destruction and death. Therefore, Hangzhou’s historical memory is an amalgam of beautiful scenery, brutal wars, martyred heroes and misfortuned heroines. A further factor is the conventional belief that extravagance leads to providential condemnation. It explains why the two occupations of Hangzhou by the Taiping armies in the 1860s were understood as the inevitable consequence of the city’s perfected state of luxury. Dealing with the two occupations by Taiping armies, the Hangzhou literati often chose to use the form of diary or memoir to record their personal experiences, and preserve localized historical testimonies for their hometown. Gengxin qi Hang lu (Record of weeping for Hangzhou in the Gengshen and Xinyou years), edited by Ding Bing, is an example of such textual works motivated by the consciousness of local identity. This work is a collection of both official and private records recounting the two occupations in the years of Gengshen and Xinyou. It was compiled and edited more than thirty years after Hangzhou was reclaimed from the Taiping armies. As the editor, Ding Bing had the opportunity to finalize a judgment of the two occupations with his authorial narrative voice. However, he chose to conceal himself behind the individual author of each chapter. More important, though given the shared goal of glorifying loyalty and lamenting the loss of lives, the work reveals many small yet significant differences in details and opinions. Ding Bing was a collector, or even a creator, of collective memories. He made his Record of Weeping for Hangzhou in the Gengshen and Xinyou Years a textual space for public opinion.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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