


Tao Yuanming's Concept of "Wu lu" and the World of Peasantry




蔡瑜(Yu Tsai)


陶淵明 ; 自然 ; 園田 ; 田園詩 ; 居住 ; Tao Yuanming ; nature ; peasantry ; pastoral poetry ; inhabitation




38期(2011 / 03 / 01)


1 - 41






This essay aims to connect the ancient meaning of ”nature” with its new interpretation in the Chinese context as part of a re-exploration into the paradigmatic meaning of Tao Yuanming's ”pastoral poetry.” The first section begins with a semantic analysis of ”farmland” (yuan tian) and ”manor” (tian yuan). The second section, viewing ”dwelling” as the most concrete and original existential activity, probes into Tao Yuanming's ”consciousness of my home/my place (wu lu)” and his ”spiritual state like an empty room (xu shi).” The third section interprets the essential meaning of human beings' dwelling upon the earth from the perspectives of labor and gregariousness. The fourth section explains how Tao Yuanming, by projecting his open and serene mind onto expansive farmlands and the remote horizon, echoes his internal openness and serenity with the universe, embedding himself in the atmosphere of pleasant harmony. The fifth section further illustrates how the world unfolded by the pastoral is not only boundless but also immersed in the natural order of the seasonal and life cycle, inspiring people to ”go with the flow” (ren hua), to be resigned to fate (zhi ming), and to peacefully return to one's profound self. Finally, it concludes with the significance of Tao Yuanming as the ”father of pastoral poetry” in cultural history.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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