


The Anxiety of Existence and Self-Redemption Presented in Wu Weiye's and Huang Zhouxing's Plays




王曖玲(Ayling Wang)


明末清初 ; 遺民 ; 吳偉業 ; 黃周星 ; 焦慮 ; 懺悔 ; 救贖 ; late-Ming andearly-Qing loyalists ; WuWeiye ; Huang Zhouxing ; confession redemption




39期(2011 / 09 / 01)


41 - 102






For the late-Ming and early-Qing literati, the dynastic transition from Ming to Qing was not only ”temporally” a mental shock, but also ”spatially” a spiritual collapse. Since time is an uncontrollable factor, when facing such drastic change, to relieve their inner anxiety the Ming-Qing literati seemed more interested in employing in their works some techniques of ”spatial mobility,” based on literary imagination which somehow built up for them a unique mode of existence. In the cases of the two famous early-Qing literati, Wu Weiye and Huang Zhouxing, we witness their common needs for writing drama, besides poetry and prose; i.e., they both expected to exercise the performativity of drama to produce some ”temporal or spatial mobility” or ”representational space.” This mobility could, on the one hand, alleviate their inner pressure, and on the other hand, secure a kind of spiritual self-treatment for their own remorse. Wu Weiye identified himself as a Ming loyalist; he regarded his having served the Qing court as inexcusable and his nonstop repentance turned into to a lifetime self-torture. The image of ”poet” with which Wu Weiye affirmatively identified himself before he died is in fact a wholehearted confession in which he did not ask for exoneration but simply prayed for ”sympathetic understanding” from the world. Huang Zhouxing, on the other hand, regretted simply ”not having done something right in time,” rather than having done something wrong; the most painful thing was not that ”he should not have lived” after the Ming but ”kept on living worthlessly” in the Qing. Huang Zhouxing confessed that he did not need others' forgiveness and he only aspired for spiritual redemption. Though Huang Zhouxing longed to be understood, he hoped more eagerly that the world could appreciate how he was enlightened by religion. These were fallen heroes of a spiritual age, but their fall was not due to weakness, rather to the fact that the world no longer offered any possibility to realize their ideals. Perhaps the possibility would return in succeeding generations?-until then, they could only hope for the arrival of a certain kind of clarity.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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