Xie Fangde was a famous patriot in the last years of the Southern Song dynasty. His life story has always been a popular topic, and his literary works and Wenzhang guifan have also been widely discussed. Yet, as to his ”Shizhuan zhushu”, which did not get much attention until recent years, some scholars have started to attend to the research of this book. But scholars have misunderstood the context of ”Shizhuan zhushu” and Xie Fangde's viewpoint regarding Shijing studies. Thus, the essay grasps the outer condition of Xie's biography and observes the content of ”Shizhuan zhushu”, pointing out that this book was not finished in the end of Southern Song dynasty. Besides, Xie had no particular standpoint in Shijing studies. The interpretations came from Shixu or Zhu Xi's Shi Jizhuan; as long as they contributed to his comprehension and expositions, he was glad to accept them. That is because the focus of ”Shizhuan zhushu” was not on academic aspects of annotations (zhushu 注疏), but on the functional aspects of applying poems to express his feelings and his opinions. Of course the specialities of ”Shizhuan zhushu” are not limited to the foregoing: putting Neo-Confucian significance into the writer's interpretations, making good use of the experiences of punctuation and annotation in his analyses, and not persisting in the explanations of words in ancient books-all of these are its obvious characteristics. Finally, this paper expounds the significance and value of ”Shizhuan zhushu” in order to confirm this book's evaluation in the history of Shijing studies.