


Evidential Studies on Two Publications of Poems of Qian Daxin and Chen Zhan


陳鴻森(Hung-Sen Chen)


錢大昕 ; 陳鱣 ; 辨偽 ; 乾嘉學術 ; Qian Daxin ; Chen Zhan ; Study of Forgery ; Qianjia Scholarship




43期(2013 / 09 / 01)


217 - 237






Humanities studies in Mainland China have progressed recently with great vigor. Reexaminations and debates in the scholarship of the past evolve daily with profundity and meticulousness. Rare books and hand-written copies were discovered one after another in different places, greatly facilitating scholars’ studies. There are some texts, however, lacking the requisite historical exegeses before being reprinted. Thus, some forged works are mixed unchecked among the authentic ones in modern editions. The present essay argues, for instance, that the author of Nanyang ji, a collection of poems collected in the "Series of Side-works of Eminent Writers in the Qianlong and Jiaqing Reigns", is not Qian Daxin as the editor incorrectly identifies. Those poems are actually forged by a younger generation in the fashion of Ma Yuelu’s poetic works, such as "Nanzhai ji" and "Nanzhai ci". The forgery is as evidentially traceable as arguably apparent. In addition, "Poems of Chen Zhan", collected in "Letters and Essays of Virtuous Celebrities in Early Modern China" published by Wenwu Publishing Inc., is also falsely attributed to Chen Zhan by the editor. After detailed analyses, I find those poems do not resonate with the age in which Chen lived. The genres and topics of the poems differ considerably from common genres and topics of Chen’s time, and there are anachronisms. It is hard to identify the authorship of the poems, but they must have been written either during the Daoguang or Xianfeng reign periods. This essay illustrates the detailed evidence proving the forgeries of the works abovementioned, in the hope that false identifications will no longer circulate in generations to come.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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