


Kōko Niida’s Views of the Book of Odes and His Criticism of Zhu Xi


張文朝(Wen-Chao Chang)


江戶時期 ; 仁井田好古 ; 朱熹 ; 《毛詩補傳》 ; 《詩集傳》 ; Edo period ; Kōko Niida ; Zhu Xi ; Mōshi hoden ; Shijizhuan




47期(2015 / 09 / 01)


173 - 216






This paper primarily focuses on the Confucian scholar Kōko Niida from the Edo period and his work Mōshi hoden, while also addressing his other works, including Rongo koden and Rakkodo bunshū.. It collates, then explores his main views of the Book of Odes, tracing his ideas back to those of Jinsai, Ogyū, and Togai in the Kogaku School. It also discusses the similarities and differences among them, as well as their criticisms of Zhu Xi. Some findings of Niida’s views outlined in this paper include: his belief that the Book of Odes has a unified theme in its compilation, which was to promote King Wen’s respect of virtue and policy of benevolence; the essence of the Book of Odes is in describing human feelings and temperaments; the main thrust in teaching the Book of Odes should be in understanding human feelings; studying the Book of Odes can have two effects: self-cultivation in order to become a gentle and sincere person, and ruling with a policy of benevolence; the preface to the Book of Odes has profound meaning couched in subtle words and thus should not be discarded; music and poetry are different, thus the fact that Zheng music is lewd doesn’t mean that its poetry is also lewd. Niida’s criticism of Zhu Xi’s Shijizhuan is primarily focused on the fact that Zhu Xi didn’t understand that the essence of the Book of Odes is in expressing human sentiment; teaching its contents should be focused on this and not on "encouraging goodness and reprimanding evil." Zhu Xi did not give credence to the ancient meaning of the preface to the Book of Odes, but advocated that it should be removed; he also did not understand the difference between music and poetry, thus he mistakenly believed that poems from the kingdom of Zheng were lewd. From this it is clear that Niida adopted many concepts from the Kogaku School, such as the interpretation of human sentiment, the use of the preface to the Book of Odes, the idea that Zheng music is different than Zheng poetry, etc. He also made new creative contributions, such as the view that the Book of Odes has a unified theme, the assumption of identity of its compilers and time of compilation, the idea that it has a specific meaning, and the rhetorical use of imagery with a certain effect.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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