


A Study of the Combined Printings of the Gongyang Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Classic with Notes and Explanations


郜積意(GAO Jiyi)


《公羊》經傳 ; 注疏合刻 ; 十行本 ; 九行本 ; 殿本 ; the Spring and Autumn classic ; the Gongyang commentary ; combined editions with notes and explanations ; ten-line edition ; nine-line edition ; palace edition




52期(2018 / 03 / 01)


119 - 167






Combined printings of the Gongyang Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Classic with its annotations and supplemental notes exist in three versions: the Song edition, featuring ten lines per half-page, the Ming edition of nine lines per half-page, and the Qing Wuying Palace edition. The ten-line edition is a combination of the Yu Renzhong (fl. ca. 1180-1200) edition, which put the text and notes together with the "glosses on words" (shiwen) commentary, with a separately issued edition of the explanations. The nine-line edition is a reprint of the ten-line version, but with the placement of the explanations somewhat modified. The palace edition is based mainly on an edition produced at the Northern Directorate of Education in the Ming dynasty, but with its own arrangement of the "glosses" and explanations. Its arrangement is completely different from that of the ten- and nine-line editions. The common basis of all these combined editions is the commentary of He Xiu (129-182), which was made on the text of the Spring and Autumn classic together with the Gongyang commentary. The focus of He's commentary is on the Gongyang, not the Spring and Autumn text, and his comments on the classic frequently appear below those on the commentary. Thus, to clarify the combined editions it is first necessary to understand the structure of He Xiu's edition. In the palace edition, notes pertaining to the Spring and Autumn classic have been appended directly to the classic, instead of after the notes on the commentary. This is at odds with He Xiu's arrangement, so the arrangement of the palace edition is the least reliable among the combined editions. As to the ten- and nine-line versions, although they do not separate the classic and its annotations, the arrangement of the explanations frequently shows discrepancies. When we are clear about the differences between the three editions, we can know clearly how to choose the master text, and make lucid decisions on what to keep and reject when we edit, while avoiding being misled by the customs of our times.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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