
The Transcultural Situation of Contemporary Chinese-speaking Thought and Its Relation to the Chinese Script




宋灝(Mathias OBERT)


transcultural thought ; Chinese-speaking philosophy ; Chinese Script ; iconicity ; body ; 跨文化思維 ; 華語思維 ; 華語文字體系 ; 視像性 ; 身體




53期(2018 / 09 / 01)


47 - 71




The main purpose of this paper is to clarify the present situation of transcultural thinking, such as it presents itself from the stance of contemporary Chinese-speaking philosophizing. Common approaches to "interculturality" or "transculturality" tend to largely underestimate the primary role which has to be attributed to the diversity of languages and hermeneutic problems, and they all the more totally neglect the problem of writing. For this reason, this paper first analyzes the main streams, such cross-cultural philosophical endeavors have been pursuing so far, in a critical perspective. Then it tries to elucidate the particular iconicity of the Chinese script, the latter representing one major peculiarity of contemporary transcultural thinking in the Chinese language. In order to emphasize the philosophical potential inherent in the rich and complex iconic features of the Chinese writing system, this paper focuses on how linguistic sense is constituted by the bias of associative impulses directly set forth by the shapes of the written characters, during visual intuition. Furthermore, it analyzes how the very iconic shape of a written character encompasses certain impressive, suggestive and motivating values, making its deciphering result in sort of a living response, on the part of the reader, which is deeply rooted in bodily conditions and body movement. All these observations finally lead to the conclusion that contemporary Chinese-speaking thinking in all its transcultural hybridity and transcultural dynamics has got one very important philosophical resource to be taken advantage of: by use of the iconic Chinese script, this thinking actually relies on an intimate embodiment of thought by its written form, and this complex relation between philosophical discourse and philosophical writing is unequalled by any other transcultural philosophical disposition in the present.



主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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