


Chinese Scholarship on Buddhist Logic Based on Interpretations of Chabie xing gu


陳帥(CHEN Shuai)


《因明入正理論》 ; 差別性故 ; 唐代因明 ; 明清因明 ; 詮釋 ; Nyāyapraveśa ; chabie xing gu ; Buddhist logic in the Tang Period ; Buddhist logic in the Ming-Qing Period ; interpretations




60期(2022 / 03 / 01)


51 - 86






This paper considers the phrase chabie xing gu in Xuanzang's Chinese translation of the Nyāyapraveśa, focusing on the consistencies and discrepancies related to Tang and Ming-Qing interpretations. This enables an historical investigation into Chinese scholarship on Buddhist logic. All Tang commentators regarded both the qualifier and the property-possessor as substrata of the thesis, and chabie xing as the essence of the thesis. This similarity points to indirect Indian knowledge from Xuanzang's teaching as a universal basis of Tang commentaries. Meanwhile, the divergence between xing gu and wei xing is presented intensively in Kuiji's criticism of Mungwe, which shows Kuiji's emphasis on his own orthodoxy. Ming-Qing commentators attempted to continue Tang interpretations on the limited basis of available Chinese Buddhist literature at their time, but considered the property-possessor as the substratum of the thesis, and the qualifier as the essence of the thesis. They also adopted the concepts of chabie from relevant sources to expound chabie xing. Although Chinese Buddhist logic during the Ming-Qing period deviated from the Tang conception, it developed its own interpretations to form a new and independent phase.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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