


The Sleeping Heart/Mind and Its Automatic Operation: Zhu Xi on the Moral Psychology of Evil


陳志強(CHAN Chi-keung)


朱子 ; 惡 ; 自欺 ; 無意識 ; 道德心理學 ; 道德責任 ; Zhu Xi ; evil ; self-deception ; unconscious ; moral psychology ; moral responsibility




60期(2022 / 03 / 01)


87 - 135






This paper extends the considerable scholarship on the concept of evil in Zhu Xi's philosophy to explore and revisit the origin of evil and the issue of moral responsibility therein. There are three main arguments: 1) Zhu Xi's theory of evil consists of a bundle of concepts, in which all evidence points towards the materialistic heart/mind as the crucial element of doing evil. 2) Although the unconscious, automatic psychological mechanism of the human-heart/mind (ren xin) may facilitate one's mental health, its blind operation renders it prone to overwhelm the Dao-heart/ mind (dao xin), ultimately leading to self-deception. Currently, major developments in contemporary moral psychology and the philosophy of consciousness provide accessible clarifications for the relationship between self-deception and evil. 3) Since Zhu Xi interprets heart-mind under the domain of material forces, his own explanation of moral responsibility has been severely challenged. The emergence of new scientific evidence helps us better understand the culpability of unconscious psychological functions. As a result, self-deception could also be comprehended as a volitional act in order for an individual to be morally responsible for its vices. Navigating through this comparative and interdisciplinary perspective is vital to the effort to further clarify and provide contemporary relevance to the unique contribution of Zhu Xi's theory of evil.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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