


A Study on Measuring Biases in Technological Change of an Airport: A Case of the C. K. S. Airport




游明敏(Ming-Miin Yu);曹壽民(Shou-Min Tsao)


航空站 ; 技術變遷偏向 ; 總要素生產力 ; 希克斯-技術中立 ; Airport ; Biases in technological change ; Total factor productivity ; Hicks-neutrality of technology change




30卷1期(2001 / 03 / 30)


111 - 133




本研究主要之目的在探討航空站生產技術變遷偏向,分析之方法分成兩個階段,第一階段藉由構建包含三種投入、三種產出之Tornqvist投入及產出物量指數進行生產力變動之討論,並進而構建Tornqvist總要素生產力指數;第二階段則利用對偶函數法探討技術變動對投入與產出是否具中立性,本研究採用Generalized MacFadden利潤函數,以探討任兩兩投入之間或兩兩產出之間因技術變遷所產生之偏向。在中正航空站的例子當中,技術變遷所導致之投入產出偏向,在投入使用程度方面,中間投入量相對於勞力與維修量有較大的使用,此一結果異於由Tornqvist總要素生產力指數估計之結果;在產出偏向方面,飛機起降架次相對於旅客人次與租賃量有較大的成長。總括而言,本文經由非參數之指數法及參數之對偶函數法,對中正航空站進行生產力衡量及技術變遷之偏向的實證分析,所獲得之結果極具意義,可提供航空站營運政策之研擬或航空站監督管理之參考。


The purpose of this paper is to attempt to measure biases in the technological change of an airport over a period of time. This study is divided into two stages. The first stage involves the construction of Tornqvist indices. Indices for three output groups and three input groups are constructed and discussed. Index of total factor productivity is also constructed. In the second stage, we adopt a dual approach to production function to investigate possible biases in the rate of technological change between inputs and outputs. The Generalized McFadden profit functional form is used. In the case of C. K S. Airport, the measures of biases in technological change suggested that materials and services were Hicks-using relative to the other input groups. It is different from the results of Tornqvist TFP. The measures of biases for the outputs indicate that movements had experienced faster technological growth than passengers and non-aeronautical revenue. In conclusion, we use a non-parametric index number approach to illustrate how such a global measure can be used to investigate airport productivity, and a parametric duality function method to measure biases in the technological change that often are very useful to airport managers and to those monitoring airport operations.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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