


A Model and Solution Algorithm for Evaluating Transportation Construction Projects-Application on Small/Medium Transportation Construction Projects




顏上堯(Shang-Yao Yan);周榮昌(Rong-Chang Jou);李其灃(Chyi-Feng Lee)


交通建設 ; 評選模式 ; 0-1整數規劃問題 ; 啟發解法 ; Transportation construction projects ; Evaluation models ; Zero-one integer program ; Heuristic algorithm




31卷1期(2002 / 03 / 30)


143 - 170






With political intervene and the impractical traditional planning practice, the existing evaluation models for traffic constructions are usually not satisfactory. Considering the correlation between alternatives, we attempt to develop a model useful for evaluating traffic construction projects. The model is formulated as a zero-one integer program that is characterized as NP-complete and is difficult to be optimally solved for large-scale problems. We develop two heuristic algorithms to solve the problem efficiently. The model is expected to assist governments in choosing optimum investing combinations of transportation construction projects under budget and project correlation constraints. In order to evaluate the model and the solution algorithms, we perform computational tests. The preliminary results were impressive.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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