


Multiobjective Optimal Planning for Relief Distributions Stems




鄭欣蓉(Hsin-Jung Cheng);曾國雄(Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng)


賑災物資配送 ; 多目標規劃 ; 模糊多目標規劃 ; Relief distribution system ; Multiobjective optimal planning ; Fuzzy multiobjective optimal planning




32卷3期(2003 / 09 / 30)


561 - 579




921集集大地震造成重大的傷亡,也重新喚起政府對於災害處理的重視。「防災」、「救災」以及「重建」是災變防救體系的三大系統,救災的部分係指地震發生以後採取的緊急措施,緊急物資的配送又為救災系統中重要的一環。本研究主要的目的在於探討如何有效又公平地配送賑災物資,以避免浪費或堆置無用。模式的構建上,採多目標規劃以避免僅考慮單項因素造成顧此失彼的現象,而後利用max-min operation之模糊多目標線性規劃之手法,將多目標轉換成達成水準為最大之目標以便進行求解。最後則利用所設計之個案進行實際演練,並從演練的過程中,提出欲執行此模式時所需的配套措施,以供災變賑災物資緊急配送考量之參考,及後續研究更進一步之探討。


The big earthquake on September 21, 1999 caused huge damage to Taiwan and made the government take this issue seriously again. Disaster prevention, protection, and reconstruction are the major topics of the hazard mitigation system. Protection means the emergency program after earthquakes, and how to distribute relief efficiency and effect is one of the key issues. From the optimization viewpoint, we constructed a relief distribution model using multiobjective programming methodology to solve this problem. Three objectives were included in the model-to minimize the total cost, total travel time, and to maximize the minimal satisfaction during the planning period. A blueprint was provided to illustrate what needs futher investigation in the future.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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