


A TOD Planning Model for the Review of Density Control in MRT Station Area




林楨家(Jen-Jia Lin);高誌謙(Chi-Chien Gau)


大眾運輸導向發展 ; 土地使用計畫 ; 多目標規劃 ; Transit-oriented development ; Land use plan ; Multi-objective programming




32卷3期(2003 / 09 / 30)


581 - 600




過去有關「大眾運輸導向發展(transit-oriented development,TOD)」之土地使用規劃論述較強調經濟效率面的達成,忽略生活環境與社會公平二個層面的考量。本研究從永續發展的角度構思規劃模式之目標,包括:提升捷運系統來載量、提升生活環境品質以及維持土地發展社會公平性,以捷運車站周邊不同土地使用之容積率為決策變數,考慮使用強度、混合比率以及生活環境品質等限制條件,構建多目標規劃模式,協助規劃者系統且有效地為車站周邊地區規劃容積管制之替選方案。並以台北捷運藍線四個不同類型車站地區為對象進行實例研究,除了展示模式應用的過程與分析結果之外,並發現都會核心型車站地區規劃之捷運乘載量可達最高,鄰里型車站地區之生活環境品質可達最佳,全市型車站地區之發展密度與生活環境品質與鄰近地區差異可達最小;並且住宅區容積率的提升,對捷運系統乘載量均有相當程度的正面影響,但車站地區與鄰近地區之土地使用強度及生活環境品質會相差愈大,土地發展社會公平性愈差。


The transit-oriented development (TOD) planning usually emphasized the development efficiency but ignored the other two aspects of sustainability: living environment and social equity. This study developed a multi-objective programming model to help planners to generate alternatives for TOD planning systematically and efficiently. Based on the concept of sustainability, three objectives were considered: maximizing the number of MRT passengers, maximizing the quality of living environment, and optimizing the social equity of land development. The decision variables were the ratios of floor space to site space (RFS) for different land uses in MRT station area. The constraints considered the limit of land use density, the combination of land uses, and the level of environment quality. Four types of stations along the blue line of Taipei MRT were studied. In addition to show the process of model application and the planning results, we also found that the area around CBD stations can achieve the largest number of MRT passengers, the area around neighborhood type stations can achieve the highest level of environment quality, and the area around transfer type stations can maintain the smallest deviation between station area and other area. According to the sensitivity analysis, the increase of the upper bound of residential RFS will significantly increase the MRT passengers, but the social equity and environment quality will both deteriorate.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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