


An Effectiveness Assessment of Code-Sharing Practices among Airlines: A Cooperative Game Approach




石豐宇(Feng-Yeu Shyr);張凌偉(Lin-Wei Chang)


航空公司 ; 共用班號 ; 合作賽局 ; Airline ; Code sharing ; Cooperative games




32卷4期(2003 / 12 / 30)


601 - 629




近年來,隨著全球經濟的發展,國際航空市場的競爭越趨激烈,因此近年來許多航空公司紛紛彼此結盟提升服務水準,以增加自己的競爭力,而當「星空聯盟」與「寰宇一家」等全球性航空聯盟相繼成立時,結盟更是大勢所趨,不與其他家航空公司結盟的公司最後將只會被市場所淘汰。 而共用班號(code-sharing)正是目前最普遍的結盟方式,共用班號分為兩種型式,分別為平行式與互補式,平行式可以增加班次的密集度,互補式則可以擴大服務的範圍。本研究探討互補式的共用班號合作,希望能透過賽局理論來了解航空公司進行共用班號之效益分析,從而提供業者一個評估共用班號決策效益的方法。本研究將先回顧個體選擇模式以及賽局理論之基本定理與假設,探討夏普利值(Shapely value)之定義與求解方式,並探討航空公司在透過互補式的合作型態下,其報酬函數之構建與票價競爭之均衡求解。 報酬函數是由三個部分建構而成:起迄點航空需求模式、承載率模式與成本模式,報酬函數構建完成之後,本研究依照賽局理論分別建立不同合作情境下之最佳票價,以求得各組合之報酬值,並且比較不同合作情境以及不同等候時間下的航空公司利潤的變化,藉此了解不同結盟方式之差異,同時應用夏普利值的理論分配航空公司共用班號後所帶來的利潤。最後以台北-曼谷線以及台北-舊金山線來做實證分析。


In recent years, the competition among airlines has become more vigorous than before. As a result, airlines tend to form alliances to promote their service quality and to enhance their competitiveness. When alliances such as ”Star Alliance” and ”One World” become dominant, it is more difficult for individual airlines to survive in the competition. Code-sharing agreement is the most popular way among all types of cooperation. There are two different types of code sharing in practice: ”parallel” and ”complementary”. Parallel cooperation can increase fright frequency, and complementary cooperation can extend the scope of service. The study focuses on the complementary type of code-sharing agreement and uses the game theory to analyze the costs and benefits before and after code sharing. The information can be used for the valuation of the effectiveness of airlines' code-sharing agreement. There are three major components of the payoff function: the O-D air travel demand model, the load factor model, and the cost model. Based on the estimated payoff function, this research uses the game theory to find the most profitable airfares in different cooperative scenarios. Given the optimal airfares, the corresponded payoff values of the airlines are obtained. Comparison of the profits and consumer surplus under various scenarios are shown in Chapter 7. A case study of the code-sharing practices between Taipei to San Francisco and Taipei to Bangkok is presented to verify the effectiveness of this model.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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