Due to significant spatial externality of knowledge, innovative activities of the firms near the knowledge creator may be enhanced by knowledge spillover effects. Many studies have discussed the roles of knowledge infrastructure, private research, and geographical consistency in knowledge spillover effects but ignored traffic accessibility. The role of transportation infrastructure in knowledge-based economy development then is still an unexplored issue. This study aims to explore the effects of knowledge accessibility on the innovation of electronic industry and apply the empirical results to assess the knowledge-based economy policies. The samples were investigated in the Northern Taiwan Region in 1996 and 2001, respectively and were analyzed by multiple regression models. The empirical results prove the following conclusions. (1) the improvement of accessibility significantly creates positive knowledge spillover effects; (2) the knowledge spillover effects are significantly working in a distance limitation of 20~30km, (3) the accessibility of college creates more spillover effects than the accessibility of R&D; and (4) the spillover effects in metropolitan area are significantly different from that of the non-metropolitan area. We have also found that the number of higher education population, the number of firms of electronic industry and knowledge accessibility enhance innovation, while the number of firms of the industry related to electronic industry slightly reduces innovation. Finally, the case study concludes that the priorities of policy in I-Lan County should be sequenced in the following order: new college setting, improvement of external transportation and improvement of internal transportation.
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