


The Grey Programming Model for the Spacing Design of Local Streets




林楨家(Jen-Jia Lin);沈育生(Yu-Sheng Shen)


地區性道路 ; 間距設計 ; 灰色規劃 ; Local street ; Spacing design ; Grey programming




34卷2期(2005 / 06 / 30)


293 - 324




地區性道路意指由幹道系統所圍成街廓內之道路系統,涵括了「集散道路(collector)」與「巷道(alley)」兩層級,本研究針對地區性道路系統規劃中的「間距設計」工作建構規劃模式,用以決定街廓內地區性道路間距或道路數量配置。模式設計為「灰色多目標整數規劃(grey multiobjective integer programming)」,所追求之目標包括:可及性、易行性與交通安全,考量限制條件包括:旅運需求、緊急車輛通行、民眾避難、噪音、空氣品質、基地最小之寬度與深度等;輸入變數及輸出結果皆為只知上下界範圍的灰數,以因應規劃作業所面臨資訊不明確狀態及規劃彈性之要求。本研究為求解所建構模式而設計的Grey Integer TOPSIS方法,可提供其他灰色多目標整數規劃問題之求解應用。本文並於淡海新市鎮挑選一個住商混合街廓進行實例分析,確認模式之實用性,並測試「交通穩靜化(traffic calming)」措施與參數灰度對規劃結果的影響,以了解模式特性,分析結果可提供應用模式時的進一步參考資訊。


The Local Street System denotes the network of collectors and alleys in a block bounded by arterials. This research aims at the analysis model for the spacing design of Local Street System. The model was designed as a multi-objective grey integer programming model, in which three objectives, i.e., accessibility, mobility, and traffic safety, are considered. The constraints included travel demand, emergency services, public refuge, noise, air quality, and minimum width, and depth of architectural base. Since the planning tasks are filled with uncertain ties, the parameters and decision variables of model were both designed as grey numbers, which represented the possible ranges other than crisp values. Additionally, this research developed the approach of Grey Integer TOPSIS far solving the developed model, and this approach can also be applied to solve the other multi-objective grey integer programming models. A mixed-use block in Dan-Hai New Town was investigated as a case study to justify the applicability of model. We also analyzed the influences of traffic calming measures and parameters' grey degree on spacing design to identify the model characteristics. The results of this case study provided further information for the model application.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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