In the past, the way that the discrete choice models treated the unobservable variables, such as perception and attitude variables, caused some problems. For example, the estimated parameters were not consistent or efficient, the index could not be used directly to affect the policies, and the index may not be suitable in the prediction. The purpose of this research is to integrate the latent variables with the discrete choice models to make estimated parameters more consistent and efficient, to increase the explanatory power of the choice models, and to make the direct or indirect effects of the policy variables more easily understood. The research subjects were the intercity bus travelers of Taipei-Kaohsiung route in Taiwan. The empirical results showed that the inclusion of satisfaction of service quality variable significantly improved the explanation power of the choice model. The results also showed that the satisfaction of the travelers toward the bus companies’ convenience of service, comfort, and entertainment will directly affect their choice behavior. The effect of convenience satisfaction was stronger than that of comfort and entertainment satisfaction. The passengers' interaction satisfaction indirectly affected their choice behavior through their convenience, comfort, and entertainment satisfaction.
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