


Application of Involvement Theory on Mode Choice Behavior




賴文泰(Wen-Tai Lai);呂錦隆(Jin-Long Lu)


運具選擇 ; 涉入 ; 計畫行為理論 ; 結構方程式 ; 混合羅吉特 ; Mode choice ; Involvement ; Theory of planned behavior ; Structural equation model ; Mixed logit model




37卷2期(2008 / 06 / 30)


237 - 262




在大眾運輸硬體建設曠日費時且建設經費龐大之囿限下,藉由低成本的行銷策略提升大眾運具占有率,已漸受重視且有成功案例。然大眾運具票價優惠、資訊提供等行銷措施可否有效提升大眾運具運量?在過去研究有不同的看法。基於上述背景,本研究引入行銷學中廣被應用的涉入理論,將旅運者依大眾運具涉入程度的高低予以分類,並應用TPB 行為變數採結構方程式建構模型,模型實證分析結果顯示,不同涉入程度旅運者之運具選擇行為具有差異性。而為具體分析此異質性所引發之效果,進一步採顯示性偏好資料建構運具選擇模型,藉以進行彈性分析與不同票價情境之敏感度分析,模擬結果顯示,票價優惠對提升大眾運具運量之效果,大眾運具高涉入族群明顯高於低涉入族群。


Since the construction of public transportation infrastructure is time consuming and expensive, the use of low cost marketing strategies to raise the market share of public transportation is gradually being emphasized, and there are some successful cases. However, in past studies, findings concerning whether the marketing method of pricing discount or travel information provision was an effective way to increase public transportation ridership were not consistent. This study tried to introduce the involvement theory, applied widely in the field of marketing, segmented the travelers according to their involvement in public transportation, and used the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to construct the behavior model. The model results indicated that the travelers' mode choice behaviors varied by their involvement level. In order to analyze the effect of heterogeneity further, this study built a discrete choice model based on travelers' revealed preference data and performed price elasticity analysis. The results showed that the effects of pricing discount on increasing public transportation ridership to travelers with higher level of involvement are significantly greater than those travelers with lower level of involvement.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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