Since the policies of direct flights and openness towards Chinese tourists, travel demand between China and Taiwan is expected to grow continuously. Nonetheless, there are still restrictions on all modes of transportation, which include direct flights, transfers in Hong Kong and Macau, or transfers in Kinmen and Matsu across the Taiwan Strait. Under such circumstances, ferries can be a good alternative due to their lower fare larger capacity, and leisure attractions. However, few studies have ever considered the issues related to the potential demand analysis of cross-strait ferry transportation, the sizes and types of the vessels, and possible service routes. This research first discussed the strategy of developing a cross-strait ferry market by collecting related information, reviewing important literature, and using in-depth interviews. Second, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis was used to find the best locations for ferry ports. Finally the mix logit model was utilized to analyze the demand of the cross-strait ferry market. The outcomes indicate that travel costs, travel times, various food and entertainment, trip purposes, the number of passengers, and income have significant impacts on choice behavior. Besides, there is heterogeneity in the perception of travel times and travel costs for travelers with different trip purposes. In summary, business travelers put travel time in first place while non-business travelers care about travel costs the most. This study can provide some insights for industries to set marketing strategies.
內政部入出國及移民署全球資訊網,「業務統計」,http://immigration.gov.tw/ ,民國101 年
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