


Assessing Measurement Invariance of City Bus Service Quality Scale between Male and Female Passengers


林俊宏(Jiun-Hung Lin)


市區公車 ; 服務品質 ; 測驗恆等性 ; City bus ; Service quality ; Measurement invariance




43卷3期(2014 / 09 / 30)


293 - 314






Since social role theory implies that different gender roles prompt male and female passengers to express different preferences on city bus evaluations, this research mainly focuses on assessing the measurement invariance of city bus service quality models between male and female passengers. This research firstly adopts a competitive model concept incorporated with a cross-validation sample method to evaluate and select the best theoretical framework of city bus service quality models. Secondly, LISREL is adopted to assess the measurement invariance of city bus service quality models between male and female passengers. The empirical result supports the theoretical structure proposed by Jen and Hu (2001) which indicates that there are four factors in the city bus service quality scale. "interaction with passengers", "tangible service equipment ", "handiness of service" and "operating management support ". The empirical results also indicate that male and female passengers evaluate city bus service with the same attitude and initial point. Finally, a condensed fourteen-item short version of the city bus service quality scale with measurement invariance between male and female passengers is proposed by this research and can be used as a reference for further research and for evaluating city bus service quality.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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