




石裕川(Yuh-Chuan Shih);鄭志展(Chih-Chan Cheng);陳宜寧(Yi-Ning Chen);洪憲忠(Shiann-Jorng Horng)


學習曲線 ; NASA-TLX ; 駕駛模擬器 ; 高齡駕駛 ; Learning curve ; NASA-TLX ; Driving simulator ; Elder drivers




45卷2期(2016 / 06 / 30)


81 - 99




本研究目的為比較高齡者與年輕人操作駕駛模擬器之學習成效及負荷;實驗共招募具駕照之高齡及年輕受試者各10 位,受試者模擬駕駛相同路線10 回合,並記錄每回合完成時間及第1、5、10 回合的NASA-TLX 負荷。將受試者的完成時間以學習曲線模式進行迴歸分析,得其第1 次完成時間(T1) 及學習率 (Ø),並接續進行變異數分析。結果顯示高齡者之T1 顯著較年輕人長,但學習率 (Ø) 則無顯著差異;另高齡者與年輕人的整體負荷無顯著差異,然負荷隨練習次數增加而顯著降低,高齡者降幅更明顯,其中高齡女性負荷較高應值得注意。模擬器學習曲線之成果可提供駕駛訓練設計之參考,而高齡者除應給予足夠學習次數外,其至終仍無法達到年輕人表現水準,建議於高齡駕駛之管理或法規等議題可納入考量。


This study aimed to examine the elder drivers' learning effect and workload through a driving simulator. Twenty subjects, including 10 elder and 10 young adult drivers, participated in the study. They all had valid license of small vehicle. All participants drove on a simulator and the same driving route was repeated 10 times. Each finishing time was recorded and the workload assessed by NASA-TLX was evaluated after the first, fifth, and tenth practice. For each participant, these 10 data of finishing time were used to calculate the learning rate (φ) and theoretical first finishing time (T1) by means of regression. The ANOVA result showed that elders had significant longer T1, but learning rate (φ) and workload (NASA-TXL) between elder and young people were not significantly different. Interestingly, the workload decreased with numbers of practices. Especially, the decreasing amplitude of workload of elders was bigger than younger. And the workload of female elders was much higher than others. Understanding the learning effect could be helpful to trainers in determining how to allocate training resources and/or schedule practices so as to optimize the training effectiveness. Notably, that of elders having longer finishing time should be taken into account while legislating regulation, designing vehicle, and any actions for safety considerations.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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