




李恒綺(Heng-Chi Lee);楊大輝(Ta-Hui Yang);楊明德(Ming-Der Yang);巫妮蓉(Ni-Jung Wu)


公共腳踏車 ; 綠色運輸 ; 巢式羅吉特模式 ; 敘述性偏好 ; Public bicycle system ; Green transportation ; Nested Logit model ; Stated preference




45卷4期(2016 / 12 / 30)


331 - 355






Public bicycle system can play a crucial role in the green transportation system. It is used for short-distance commuting, shopping, leisure, or sports. Experiencing astonishing growth during past years, many bicycle sharing systems have been established worldwide. This study attempts to explore the role of Kaohsiung C-bike system in a short distance (2km) trip to commercial districts nearby mass rapid transit (MRT) stations with transportation mode choices including using C-bike, walking, riding a motorcycle, and taking a bus. We design a questionnaire to collect the data used in our empirical analysis, including travel costs, weather, trip purposes, and socioeconomic status. A nested logit model is built to estimate the mode choice results and further elasticity analysis is conducted. The likelihood ratio index shows that our nested logit model is appropriate. Travel cost, weather conditions, and socioeconomic status all will affect the use of C-bike. In addition, we simulate the scenarios where the travel costs for motorcycle and public bicycle changed. The results show that if we increase the travel cost of motorcycle and decrease of the travel cost of public bicycle simultaneously it will promote the use of public bicycle system. Therefore, in additional expanding the coverage of public bicycle stations, increasing motorcycle parking fee could be considered as an effective policy to encourage travelers to choose public bicycle as the last mile transit.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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