




林俊宏(Jiun-Hung Lin)


市區公車 ; 服務品質 ; 人際關係 ; 關係行銷 ; City bus ; Service quality ; Interpersonal relationship ; Relation marketing




46卷1期(2017 / 03 / 30)


1 - 18






How to promote the city bus usage intention to ease the congestion in urban traffic network is an important issue of public transportation system management. Previous studies indicate relation marketing is an effective strategy to retain customer in retailing services. However, for public transportation which is derived demand, related empirical study indicate interpersonal interaction between bus driver and passenger can not significantly influence passenger intention to take bus. Since city bus service involve factors related to interpersonal interaction between city bus service staffs and passengers and should have impact on the service value generating process and considering several news indicate interpersonal interaction between driver and passengers will create values and increase the intention to take bus, this research argue that relation marketing related interpersonal interaction may play as moderator and moderate the relation of service value on passenger satisfaction and on behavioral intention. LISREL with empirical data is designed to empirical test this assumption. The research results indicate that the interpersonal interaction between city bus staffs and passengers will moderate the relation between service value and passenger behavior intention significantly. The influence of service value on passenger behavior intention under higher interpersonal interaction will higher than that under lower one significantly. Interpersonal interaction between city bus staffs and passengers will influence passenger behavioral intention significant through the way to moderate the relation between service value and passenger behavior intention.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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