Due to the high distributed density of convenience stores in Taiwan, the network density of retailing delivery (RD) system is higher than the other logistics modes. Moreover, RD has the advantages of cheaper price, high privacy, and flexible hours to pick up the delivery shipments in convenience stores. Thus, consumers have paid much attention to RD services recently. However, the time of delivery to consumers of RD is merely on the day after tomorrow and cannot meet the urgent demand of consumers. Therefore, this study would combine the advantages of high density and convenient of RD service with fast courier service to propose the innovative service of "speedy delivery" (SD) and discuss consumers’ preference behaviors toward it. The results may provide references for the innovative operation of logistics providers. This study assumed two SD scenarios of short-range and long-range with four significant attributes designed, and applied conjoint analysis to explore consumers’ preference behaviors toward the SD service. The questionnaire survey was conducted to collect 464 valid samples. This study analyzed consumers’ favor SD combinations and preferred attribute levels in the two scenarios. Several marketing implications would be issued further for business references. For example, it should emphasize the variety of shipment classifications on short-range SD and shorten delivery time on long-range SD. It can set up favorable programs of delivery fee, and provide reasonable delay compensation as well.
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