




張學孔(S. K. Jason Chang);張朝能(Chao-Neng Chang);陳雅雯(Ya-Wen Chen);洪鈞澤(Jyun-Jhe Hung);史習平(Hsi-Ping Shih);洪勝宇(Sheng-Yu Hung)


無障礙計程車 ; 預約平台 ; 排班 ; 包容設計 ; Accessible taxi ; Reservation platform ; Scheduling ; Inclusive design




48卷3期(2019 / 09 / 30)


179 - 217




因應高齡化社會之發展,如何建構身心障礙者、高齡者及失能者之通用無障礙運輸友善環境,已成為國家發展、社會福利及交通主管機關施政重要課題。本研究首先進行國內無障礙小客車多元運輸服務機制之檢討,將現有服務機制歸納為使用者服務、業者營運與管理、機關補助與監理、法規與制度等四大課題,接著依據多元整合服務與使用者為核心的理念建構「無障礙小客車多元運輸服務系統平台(Smart Accessible Mobility Service,SAMS)」,期能讓各類使用者透過一通電話或一個APP的一站式平台即可預約服務,同時基於社會包容理念滿足身心障礙與高齡等更多使用者,藉由多元整合服務擴大其社會生活圈。此平台能兼顧營運、管理與監理之各項功能,營運者能更有效率的進行車輛與人員管理及派遣、排班作業,而主管機關能更快速、有效進行監理稽核。本研究進一步將平台導入臺南市進行實際營運試辨,以評估驗證平台功能與效益,同時根據實測成果研提推動預約式無障礙小客車運輸服務作法與配套措施,俾利平台服務之永續營運。本研究成果將有助於交通部、衛生福利部無障礙運輸發展與相關政策之規劃,亦能有助於地方政府、無障礙運輸服務業者在車輛預約、派遣與稽核等作業效率與服務品質之提升。


Taiwan will become a hyper-aged society rather than aged society. Therefore, to build a friendly travel environment for disabilities and elders becomes an important issue. This study conducted an overview of the existing accessible mobility services and identified existing service issues which can be summarized into four major aspects: passenger services, business operations and management, subsidies and supervision, as well as legislative and regulations. Based on overview results and inclusive service principle, this study developed a "Smart Accessible Mobility Service (SAMS) " platform, which is designed to allow users to make an appointment for an accessible mobility service by simply using a telephone or an APP. This platform can also take into account the functions of operations, management and supervision. Through this platform, the authorities can conduct supervision audits more quickly and effectively while operators are able to optimize the fleet management, driver management and scheduling operations. Tainan City was selected for an empirical trial for validating the inclusive design, analyzing potential benefits of the platform, and evaluating schemes to facilitate the sustainable operations. It is shown that research results could provide an important reference for formulating inclusive mobility policy in central governments, including the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Research results have also shown that the SAMS provides a useful tool for local governments and operators in terms of daily operation, enhancement of service quality and increase of auditing capability in providing inclusive mobility services.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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