




陳穆臻(Mu-Chen Chen);許嘉霖(Chia-Lin Hsu);曾莉晴(Li-Ching Tseng)


共享單車 ; 使用意圖 ; 結構方程模式 ; 市場區隔 ; 群集分析 ; Bicycle sharing ; Market segmentation ; Cluster analysis ; Use intention ; Structural equation model




49卷1期(2020 / 03 / 30)


1 - 41






Bicycle sharing brings great convenience to life, and the idea of bicycle sharing also instills the image of a sustainable and healthy city. Due to the characteristics of bicycle sharing, cheapness, convenience and environmental friendly, bicycle sharing is quickly available worldwide. This study aims to understand the determinants of intention to use bicycle sharing, and its market segments to help in increasing the use of bicycle sharing. Firstly, this study uses the structural equation model with the dimensions of novelty seeking, hedonism, utilitarianism, environmental awareness, attitude, user experience and intention of use to gain insights to the intention to use bicycle sharing. The results show that novelty seeking, hedonism, utilitarianism and attitude have a positive effect on the intention to use bicycle sharing. Environmental awareness and user experience are not significantly positively related to the intention of use. Then, this study also uses the k-means clustering method to group all the subjects of questionnaire survey with the abovementioned dimensions. Four groups of "willing to use bicycle sharing", "high environmental awareness", "high utilitarianism" and "bicycle sharing lovers" are clustered in this study. Finally, according to the results, suggestions are provided for the bicycle sharing service provider to enhance the intention to use bicycle sharing, and for the government to increase the volume of use of bicycle sharing.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
社會科學 > 管理學
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