該故事摘引自《中日叢報》(The Chinese and Japanese Repository) 重印的系列文章〈中國文學作品中經常提及的歷史和神話人物〉(“Extracts from Histories and Fables to Which Allusion Are Frequently Made in Chinese Literature”) 之第151 條「魏鬼谷先生」(Wei, Kwei-Ku Shien-sang)。
《中國人的社會生活》(Social Life of the Chinese),由哈珀兄弟出版社(Harper & Brothers) 於1865 年在紐約出版
Aylmer, Charles(1997).The Memoirs of H. A. Giles.East Asian History,13/14,9-10.
Rev. Dyer Ball, “Scraps from Chinese Mythology,” The China Review 13.2 (1884): 75-84.
Lily Adams Beck, The Perfume of the Rainbow, and Other Stories (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1923).
Bretschneider, Emil.Notes on Chinese Mediaeval Travellers to the West.Shanghai:American Presbyterian Mission Press.
Rev. George T. Candlin, Chinese Fiction (Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company, 1898). p. 4. 31.
Samuel Couling, The Encyclopaedia Sinica (Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh; London: Oxford University Press, 1917). p. 110. p. 242.
耶穌會士馮秉正 (Joseph de Mailla, 1669-1748) 《盛世芻蕘》(1733 年)
Rev. Justus Doolittle, Vocabulary and Hand-book of the Chinese Language (Foochow: Rozario, Marcal and company, 1872), volume II, p. 298. p. 688.
Rev. Justus Doolittle, Vocabulary and Hand-book of the Chinese Language (Foochow: Rozario, Marcal and company, 1872).
Henri Doré, Researches into Chinese Superstitions, trans. M. Kennelly and D. J. Finn (Shanghai: T'usewei Printing Press, 1914-1933).
Mary Huse Eastman, Index to Fairy Tales, Myths, and Legends, 2nd ed. (Boston, The F. W. Faxon Company, 1926).
Joseph Edkins, “Notices of Buddhism in China,” The North-China Herald (Shanghai), 1 (Jul. 1854): 191.
一八五四年四月至十二月,英國倫敦會傳教士艾約瑟(Joseph Edkins,1823-1905) 在《北華捷報》(The North-China Herald) 上陸續發表題為〈論佛教在中國〉(“Notices of Buddhism in China”) 的一系列文章被艾約瑟收入1880 年出版的《中國佛教》(Chinese Buddhism: A Volume of Sketches, Historical, Descriptive, and Critical) 一書,作為該書的第6 章〈中國佛教史述略〉(“Sketch of the History of Buddhism in China”)。
John C. Ferguson, “Books on Journeys to Western Regions,” The China Journal 11.2 (1929): 61-68.
John C. Ferguson and Anesaki Masaharu, The Mythology of All Races, volume 8 (Boston: Marshall Jones Company, 1928).
Herbert A. Giles, Chinese Fairy Tales (London: Gowans & Gray, 1911).
Herbert A. Giles, A Chinese-English Dictionary (Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh, Ltd., 1892). , p. 1290.
Herbert A. Giles, A History of Chinese Literature (London: William Heinemann; New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1901).
Herbert A. Giles, A Glossary of Reference on Subjects Connected with the Far East, 2nd ed. (Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh, 1886). p. 80. p. 162
Herbert A. Giles, Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, volume 2 (London: Thos. De La Rue & Co, 1880), p. 315。
1930 年,海倫‧M‧海耶斯(Helen M. Hayes, 1906-1987) 繼李提摩太之後將小說節譯為英文,題為《佛徒天路歷程》(The Buddhist Pilgrim's Progress),作為約翰· 默里(John Murray) 發行的《東方智慧叢書》(The Wisdom of the East Series) 之一冊在倫敦出版。
George Kao, ed., Chinese Wit and Humor (New York: Coward-McCann, Inc., 1946).
弗蘭克‧哈樂德‧李(Frank Harold Lee) 編選的《世界各國民間故事選》(Folk Tales of All Nations),於1930 年由都鐸出版社(Tudor Publishing Company) 在紐約出版。
Lim Sian-tek, Folk Tales from China (New York: The John Day Company, 1944).
Rev. J. Macgowan, Chinese Folk-Lore Tales (London: Macmillan and Co. Limited, 1910).
Calvin Wilson Mateer, A Course of Mandarin Lessons: Based on Idiom (Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1898)
Frances Jenkins Olcott, Wonder Tales from China Seas (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1925).
P. G. & O. F. von Möllendorff, Manual of Chinese Bibliography: Being a List of Works and Essays Relating to China (Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh; London: Trübner & Co.; Görlitz: H. Tzschaschel, 1876)
《西遊記》的首個英文節譯本是1913 年英國傳教士李提摩太(Timothy Richard, 1845-1919) 翻譯的《出使天國》(A Mission to Heaven),由廣學會(The Christian Literature Society for China) 在上海出版。
Nellie Naomi Russell, Gleanings from Chinese Folklore (New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1915).
William Scarborough, A Collection of Chinese Proverbs (Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1875). p. 290.
Arthur H. Smith, The Proverbs and Common Sayings from the Chinese (Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1888), p. 10。
Rev. Arthur H. Smith, “The Proverbs and Common Sayings from the Chinese,” The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal 15.6 (Nov./Dec. 1884): 403-407.
George Taylor, “The Marvellous Genealogy of Hsuen Tseng,” The China Review 17.5 (1889): 258-265.
George Taylor, “The Adventures of an Emperor in Hell,” The China Review 18.4 (1890): 248-261.
George Taylor, “Chinese Folk Lore,” The China Review 16.3 (1887): 163-177.
Frank B. Turner, “In Remembrance: Rev. G. T. Candlin, D. D.,” The Chinese Recorder 55.10 (Oct. 1924): 674-676
英國漢學家威妥瑪(Thomas Francis Wade, 1818-1895) 編寫的《語言自邇集》(Yü Yen Tzu Êrh Chi)。
1942 年,英國漢學家亞瑟‧韋利(Arthur Waley, 1889-1966) 推出了最為人稱道的節譯本《猴》(Monkey),由喬治‧艾倫與昂溫有限公司(George Allen & Unwin Ltd.) 在倫敦發行。
James Ware, “The Fairyland of China. I.,” The East of Asia Magazine 4.1 (Mar. 1905): 80-89
James Ware, “The Fairyland of China. II.,” The East of Asia Magazine 4.2 (Jun. 1905): 120-127.
E. T. C. Werner, A Dictionary of Chinese Mythology (Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, 1932). p. xi. p. 462.
E. T. C. Werner, Myths and Legends of China (London: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd.; New York: Brentano's, 1922).
Richard Wilhelm, Chinesische Volksmärchen (Jena: Eugen Diederichs, 1914), p. 403
Richard Wilhelm, The Chinese Fairy Book, trans. Frederick Herman Martens (New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1921).
Richard Wilhelm, I Ging: das Buch der Wandlungen (Jena: Eugen Diederichs, 1924)。
1931 年,北京海關署稅務司文林士(Charles Alfred Speed Williams, 1884-1972)編《中國表號學解》(Outlines of Chinese Symbolism) 由稅務專門學校出版社(Customs College Press) 在北京出版。
Samuel Wells Williams, A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language (Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1874). p. 174.
Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese: Giving a List of Their Publications, and Obituary Notices of the Deceased (Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1867), p. 286。
Alexander Wylie, Notes on Chinese Literature: With Introductory Remarks on the Progressive Advancement of the Art; and a List of Translations from the Chinese into Various European Languages (Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1867), p. 162.
W. W. Yen, An English and Chinese Standard Dictionary (Shanghai: The Commercial Press, Ltd., 1908), p.1937.
Yu、 Anthony C.(trans.)(1977).The Journey to the West.Chicago:University of Chicago Press.
吳聖昔:〈論《西遊記》清代版本的源流演變〉,http://www.xyjg.com/0/21/wu/xinkao/21-wu-3-4-007.htm,檢索日期:2017 年12 月19 日。
杜德橋編、謝世忠譯(2010)。1880 年代南臺灣的原住民族:南岬燈塔駐守員喬治‧泰勒撰述文集。臺北:行政院原住民族委員會。
波乃耶還翻譯了《北遊記》的前十回和《南遊記》的全部章回,連載於〈中國神話選〉專題,見《中國評論》第13 卷第2 期(1884 年)。
波乃耶還翻譯了《北遊記》的前十回和《南遊記》的全部章回,連載於〈中國神話選〉專題,見《中國評論》第12 卷第3-5 期(1884 年)
波乃耶還翻譯了《北遊記》的前十回和《南遊記》的全部章回,連載於〈中國神話選〉專題,見《中國評論》第11 卷第4-6 期(1883 年)
胡適。1923 年2 月,〈《西遊記》考證〉,《努力週報‧讀書雜誌》第6 期
孫楷第:《日本東京所見中國小說書目提要》(北平:國立北平圖書館,1932 年),頁134-157。
楊廷筠(1562-1627) 《天釋明辨》
羅廣平《醒迷篇‧論唐三藏》(1667 年)