


To Inquire the Strategy for Integrating Information and Computer Technology into Classroom Instruction in Elementary and Secondary Schools: From the Perspective of Educational Partners




蕭英勵(Ian Ying-Li Hsiao)


資訊教育 ; 資訊融入教學 ; 實踐與反省 ; ICT education ; ICT-integrated instruction ; practice and reflection




58卷2期(2007 / 04 / 01)


80 - 101






In this article, the author discusses the importance of more fully integrating Information and Computer Technology (ICT) into elementary and secondary school classroom instruction. The author emphasizes the important role played by the various ”educational partners” in this integration project, including principals, teachers, parents and students, all of whom can only benefit from the greater classroom use of ICT The author thus wants the partners to understand the issues involved as well as possible, so that they may best explain the benefits of integrated learning activities involving ICT to students, and so that they may most effectively plan and implement new ICT-integrated curricula and instructional strategies. The principal, combining the resources of corporate companies and parents, should facilitate teachers in designing digital materials, and encourage parents to guide their children in the use of networked collaborative learning. The point is that we all need to work together in the fuller implementation of ICT education in Taiwan, for this will ultimately best equip our students with international vision to compete globally.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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