


The Difficulty and Reflection of Doing Curriculum Action Research in Junior High and Primary Schools




劉祐彰(Yu-Chang Liu)


課程行動研究 ; 課程改革 ; 方法論 ; curriculum action research ; curriculum revolution ; methodology




58卷6期(2007 / 12 / 01)


22 - 35




本文從三個面向分析中小學教師進行課程行動研究可能面臨的問題和困境。首先,淵源於課程行動研究方法論的問題包括:教師身兼參與者和研究者的矛盾、研究效度和標準備受爭議、固著於技術性的問題解決等。再者,教師專業研究能力發展的困境是教師工作忙碌缺乏主動研究的動機、缺乏深入批判反省的能力、教師對於如何呈現行動研究的成果感到困擾等。第三,建立批判對話社群的阻礙,諸如:學校組織文化缺少對話社群、課程專家學者角色和功能的混淆等。 最後試圖提出建立適用課程行動研究的效度和標準、從問題解決提升至文化革新、運用多元分析與檢證的方法提升嚴謹度、透過各種獎勵措施激勵教師、提升教師批判反省的能力、鼓勵教師將成果寫成書面報告、成立協同合作的核心小組、從行動中了解行動研究等可行途徑,省思課程行動研究促進課程改革的可行性。


The Difficulty and Reflection of Doing Curriculum Action Research in Junior High and Primary Schools This article performs an analysis, from three different perspectives, of the possible problems and difficulties of elementary and high school teachers who do curriculum action research. The methodology of curriculum action research contains possible problems, such as the double-identity paradox of a teacher who also acts as a researcher, disputes over research efficiency and standards, and solutions to technical problems. Moreover, teachers' obstruction of advanced research into ability development originates is due to several factors: teachers are mostly occupied by their busy routines, teachers are confused about methods of displaying action research results, etc. Also, there has been resistance to establishing critical conversation groups, and thus school culture lacks conversation groups, curriculum experts and scholars are confused about their roles and functionality, and so on. This study suggests many ways. For example, try to develop a suitable curriculum action research efficiency and standards, solve technical problems, strengthen our resolve to improve school culture, use multiple analysis and verification that have higher standards, praise teachers' works through every kind of incentive, improve teachers' ability through criticism, reward teachers with positive performance results, form coordinated core teams, and look at action research in terms of its progress. Thus the study discusses the possibility of curriculum action research for the purpose of inspiring radical curriculum changes and improvements.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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