


Exploring the Needs of Students in College with Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs




歐姿妤(Tzu-Yu Ou);黃貞觀(Chen-Kuan Huang);盧淑敏(Shu-Min Lu);李書芬(Shu-Fen Lee)


馬斯洛人類需求理論 ; 需求理論 ; 學生需求 ; Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs ; Hierarchy of Needs ; Students' Needs




60卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


64 - 80




心理學家馬斯洛(A. H. Maslow)在動機理論中提出人類需求七階層,由低至高包括生存、安全、歸屬感與愛、自尊、知的、美的及自我實現等需求,本研究主要目的為探究專科學生的需求層級內涵,研究樣本以方便取樣研究者任教之109位修習「生命教育概論」之專科二年級16-17歲學生,研究設計為請學生依序列出現階段十項需求內涵,由三位具精神科背景專家依馬斯洛人類需求階層給予分類,研究結果發現學生選擇第三層次之歸屬感與愛需求筆數最多(431筆,40.09%),其次依序為生存(212筆,19.72%)、自尊(181筆,16.84%)、知的(86筆,8.00%)、自我實現(76筆,7.07%)、安全(75筆,6.98%)與美的(14筆,1.30%)等需求,進一步檢視其最重視之首要需求,在馬斯洛七項需求中前三項需求是最多人選擇項目,也是專科學生列為最重要排序的需求,可見專科階段學生仍以低層級需求(缺乏的需求)為首要,較缺乏高層級需求(成長的需求),期望藉由本研究之探究讓學校教育重視並提升學生成長的需求,當學生真正具備這些特質後,才能夠發展自我以達到人格統整與靈性發展之目標。


Abraham Maslow has developed a hierarchy of needs in his theory of human motivation. In this hierarchy, seven distinct levels are listed in an ascending order: physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, intellectual achievement, aesthetic appreciation and self-actualization. The main purpose of this study was to explore the needs of students with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in college. A convenience sampling of 109 students was included. As second graders, they had attended the course of ”The Introduction to Life Education” in a collegial school in Taoyuan City in Taiwan (R.O.C.). The collected research data included each student's ten needs, and three experts with psychiatric background were invited to categorize them in accordance with the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It showed that the greatest demand of the participants was belonging needs (431, 40.09%), followed by physiological needs (212, 19.72%), esteem needs (181, 16.84%), intellectual achievement (86, 8.00%), self-actualization (76, 7.07%), safety needs (75, 6.98%) and aesthetic appreciation (14, 1.30%). The top three needs of the participants, based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, belonged to lower-level needs. The result shows that the teenaged students' needs are still the lower-level ones, deficiency needs, instead of the high-level ones, growth needs. Hence, the results of this study will raise the awareness of the school for the needs of students to come up with strategies promoting students' desire for growth needs. Students will have better integration of personality and spiritual growth in their youth.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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